
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Party Ideas!!

Here are a few party ideas to share with you today.

Milk & Cookies 1st Birthday party
Celebrating the fact that the big 1 year old
can now drink whole milk!!
*Labels graciously made by Jamie of Eighteen25

A Tangled Party
Complete with Rapunzel's tower, made from donuts.

Elmo Party
The little water bottles have orange balloons filled with a little bit of water to look like goldfish...hubby told me I could NOT give away real live goldfish as party favors!
*Elmo ideas found online at random sites I can't remember!

PINK Baby Shower
My friend Jen threw an a-m-a-z-i-n-g baby shower for
me when I had baby girl #3.
Because EVERY baby needs to be celebrated!!

Giraffe Theme Baby Shower
Our SIL loves giraffes so when she had
baby boy #4
we knew we HAD to throw her a giraffe party!
*Printables purchased at Dimple Prints

LadyBug Birthday
Again, my amazing and talented friend Jen threw her daughter a ladybug birthday party last week and outdid herself again!
(and she claims this was a "low-key" party)

And last but not least, let's not forget Liesl's
Dirty Thirty Britney Spears Party
Can you name all the costumes??

lil luna link party button">


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making a Workbook Last

I like workbooks for my kids.
They are great for quiet places...
like church,
doctors offices,
school assemblies,
the car,
or even just at home during quiet time.

But with 5 kids I could fork out a LOT of money on workbooks
the way my kids go through them.

So I turned 1 book

into a neverending book of fun...

I just found a 3 ring binder

started ripping the pages out of my new workbook

and stuck them in sheet protectors

and voila!

Now we can use it again and again and again...

Just grab a dry erase marker 
(ours has an eraser on top which makes it nice)
and the kids can use it
then erase and
 pass it along to the next kid waiting!

Linked to:


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Ideas

Teacher Appreciation Week is such a fun week to celebrate and thank those teachers who care for and teach our precious little ones!

Here are a few ideas for spoiling the teachers in your kids life...

Teacher Gifts

A summer book with gift cards to various places. I saw this idea on another website and we incorporated it into a little mini book. It is made from 2 lunch bags and has pockets inside where the gift cards go. Way easy.
The front cover says, "What will Mrs. Bailey do with her summer?"
Then inside it had "Eat some ice cream" - $5 gift card to Baskin Robbins
"Enjoy a good book" - $5 to Target (we don't have a bookstore close by)
"Eat some good food" - $5 to Port of Subs
"Enjoy a good movie" - $5 to Hollywood Video
"Pamper herself" - $5 to Bath & Body Works

Another summer gift...a beach towel, magazine, sunscreen & sunglasses...tie it together and attach a card and you are good to go!

Teacher supply bins.  Saw this idea online at eighteen25 and it was so super easy I knew I had to do it too!  Found the clear compartment containers at Walmart for like $3, filled them with misc office supplies (cute paper clips, thumb tacks...anything small) and of course chocolate.  Then I decorated the front with their names.

Quick and easy one for you last minute folks out there...ahem that is ME!!

Door Signs

All these door signs I had seen the idea in a round about way online and tweaked them to fit our teachers style.

We linked up with:
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!





Sunday, May 15, 2011

Learning our ABC's

My 4 year old doesn't know her abc's yet...there I said it!

I mean, she can sing the song...she can spell her name...even write her name!

But...she doesn't know the letters by sight or tell you what they sound like.

I know I know...I am mother of the year, just say it.

So I decided to do something about it.  Not that  I was worried or anything.  I mean, she is a kid still!  She doesn't even start preschool until the fall and I know that is what they work on there.  

But I still thought I should be working harder on getting the basics down with her.

I found some cute letters online and printed them out.  Nothing fancy, just hit print on some regular 'ol paper and cut them out.  Then I taped them around the house. 

I had a few helpers so they ended up in some random spots around the house too!

Now randomly throughout the day she will stop and say the letter and sometimes the sound.  If she doesn't do it then I point it out to her and ask her what it is.  

She is slowly learning.

The funny thing is that now the 2 year old is learning too!

What techniques or methods do YOU use to help create learning at home?


Friday, May 13, 2011

Our Intro...

We are 6 sisters who grew up in Las Vegas, NV. We are now split 3 ways between Idaho, Utah and Las Vegas. We all have a different niche, but we all are crazy and love to have fun. We are known for our booties (my hubby told me he married me for my booty in hopes our boys would get it...he says it makes you quick...unfortunately my boys didn't get it but looks like my girl did...naturally) Here is a quick intro to each of us.

Charissa is the oldest of the bunch. She is the writer of the bunch and has written an AMAZING book series that is in the process of finding a publisher...fingers crossed. She is also our painter and has done some AMAZING works. She can out scrapbook anyone I know and is current...yes people I said CURRENT on all of her 4 kids scrapbooks (I know we hate her too for this).

Next we have Andrea. She is without a doubt the COOK of the bunch. She can whip up the best meals around. In fact we love to go visit her just so we can relish in one of her AMAZING meals (well we don't mind the company either :). And somehow with being the AMAZING cook that she is, she still manages to be the SKINNY and TONED sister. Seriously we just drool over her toned abs and bum. Doesn't seem fair especially since she is a mom to 5 girls. Oh and did we mention that she is one smart cookie. I mean you have to be when you get your degree in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. So I guess we could add NERD to her list of characteristics :)

Third in line is Tiffany. She is our PHOTOGRAPHER and boy is she good. She decided a few years ago to finally make the leap and buy herself a nice, decent DSLR camera and she hasn't looked back since. She is self taught and is so good to her 'moochy' sisters who constantly are taking advantage of her photography skills. And lets not forget that she is definitely the COMPETITIVE one of the bunch. You definitely don't want to mess with her when a game is getting played. *She was the one who ran away often as a kid...

Heidi can only be described as CRAZY and CRAFTY. She is the one who will randomly belt out a song and she thinks her voice sounds good enough to be showcased on a Disney Cruise (whatever that means but we encourage it). She is so crafty and comes up with the cutest parties, treats and gifts. There is never a dull moment with Heidi. And anytime a camera comes out she is the one to pose immediately and/or pose in the background.

Liesl is without a doubt our FASHIONISTA. We look to her for style advice and hair and makeup advice since she is our hairdresser (the best around might I add). She is blonde for a reason and has somehow maintained her love for Britney Spears since seeing her in concert ummmm 13+ years ago. Hence why she is throwing herself a 'Dirty Thirty Britney Spears' party.

And then there is the baby girl...Tenille. She was the baby for 5 years before the real "baby" of the family came along. Hence, her BOSSINESS! She loves to boss anyone and anything around, just ask her HUBBY or any of her 8 SIBLINGS! But Tenille can CLEAN, ORGANIZE and DEJUNK like no one I know! I don't know where she finds the time with 3 little ones around, especially since her little ones are constantly in the ER getting stitches of some sort! She is the BLOGGING queen and has the blog books to prove it! And her precious baby girl is never seen without a beautiful hairbow creation made by Tenille and all her craftiness!

There's a little peek into who each of us are. We hope you will come along with us on this new adventure of ours. We hope to keep you entertained and teach you a thing or two. Please email us with any questions, projects or topics you want discussed.
