
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Packing For Kids

I just recently got back from a 10 day trip to visit family.
I had seen this idea on Pinterest and was so intrigued I tried it out for this vacation.
I wanted to fit all 3 of my girls clothes for the 10 day trip in 1 bag.
I chose each oufit and anything that went along with that day (ie: underwear, socks, accessories) and then put it in a gallon size ziploc bag.

Here is what they look like...

And 5 little girls clothes all packed up for a super fun trip to see their cousins!

This also made it so nice each day while we were gone.  We would wake up and I would grab a bag for each girl and get them dressed and there was no rummaging involved!!  =)


Friday, July 20, 2012

Bowls with Holes!

My daughter has been making these RECORD BOWLS lately.  They are super fun and easy to make.  I posted the How-To's on my other blog, so if you're interested in seeing some of the different designs and the simple steps to make these babies, check it out HERE!  
If you just want to peruse and be dazzled, stay where you are!  
Hold your breath.  
And watch the show.

Take your plain, boring, black records....

and color on them!  Wheeeee!

And then melt and mess around with your hands...

And WA-LAH!  Bowls with Holes.
Now isn't that special?


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Drinking Cup Station

I saw this idea on Pinterest awhile ago and thought it was super clever.  
And thanks to my crafty and on top of it friend, I was actually able to make this fun project!
A drink holder for everyones water cups!!

This spot in my kitchen used to have a minimum of 10 cups on it at all times!
Funny thing is, there are only 5 children.  So why was there so many cups all the time?
That is because they would get a cup out, take a drink, walk away.  Then next time they came back, they couldn't remember which cup was theirs, so they would get a new cup and do the same thing.

No more people.
My friends and I got together and made it a craft night.  
Wood was 5 1/2" and then we cut it however long we needed, depending on how many cups you want it to hold.  I just made mine for my kids because I thought 7 would be too long!

The tiles are 4.25" x 4.25" and I mod podged scrapbook paper to mine.  Then added a vinyl letter initial for each kids spot.

My friend did the opposite and mod podged paper onto her board and left her tiles white.

We just used E-6000 to glue the tiles down, the wooden balls on and also to glue the handles on.

Then took them outside and sprayed a matte finishing spray over them all and let dry.

This has worked soooo good for far!  No random cups laying around.  Even the 3 year old puts hers as close to her spot as she can and then I move it up when I see it.  I didn't want it too close to the edge to get knocked over.  
Super fun and super easy project to do!!
