
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Running Shoes

About 2 1/2 years ago I got into running.
I had never liked running...was never interested in it...and I didn't feel bad about that!

Until one day my friend forced encouraged me to run a 5k race that was about a month away.
I trained with her, running for 4 minutes, walking for 1, etc.
I was not fast.
But I ran my 1st 5k (3.1 miles) in 33 minutes.

Fast forward 4 months later and a bunch of my siblings and I ran the Teton Dam Marathon
and I ran a 10k (6.2 miles) in 1 hour 5 minutes.
I was loving it!
Again, not a fast runner, but slow & steady!  =)

Well, I got pregnant that summer with #5 and for Thanksgiving my family and I ran a 5k at Hoover Dam.
39 minutes for me...terrible time I know, but I kinda had an excuse...I was 5 months prego!!

Well, fast forward 2 1/2 years after starting running and my running shoes are done!
I had originally gone in and was professionally fitted for the correct shoe for my foot and style of running.
Now I needed new shoes and I didn't really know where to even start!

I liked my Asics but was wanting to try something new.
Attempt 1:

I loved the look.
Did NOT like the feel!

I went running one time and had blisters and the bottom of my left foot felt rubbed RAW!!
Well, with further examination I discovered this...
Yes, you see that right...a tracking sensor in the shoe!
Good in theory, but horrible placement in my point of view!
Right where the bottom of your foot sits?
I don't get it.
So I returned them.

Then I found these at Big5...
Saucony is the brand and I love the look and the feel!
And the best part is that they were only $65!!  For a nice running shoe, you almost can't beat it!!

And what is my next goal you ask?
A half marathon of course!

Here is my training schedule that I am working on currently!
I love the quote that came with the schedule...

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing.  You have to make the mind run the body.  Never let the body tell the mind what to do.  The body will always give up.  It is always tired in the morning, noon and night.  But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
-George S. Patton, US Army General, 1912 Olympian

It is sooo true...running is 90% mental and only 10% physical...I think anyway!

What are your favorite running shoes?
What about training tips...I'll take anything I can get!
*Oh and I am sooo making at least 1 or 2 of my dear sisters run this 1/2 with me!!  =)



  1. My brother-in-law bought my 12 yr old for his b-day the half marathon. They one on the strip at night in December. Is that what you are doing? I will be training with my son, but didn't have the money to run it. I will definitely be there to watch though. If it is, I'll be rooting for you!

  2. I am training for the Rock N Roll half marathon in December! I just had a baby in May and since I already paid for the half I have no choice but to get my butt in shape! I love Asics and Saucony.

  3. I have never been a runner, either. My husband wants me to run a half marathon with him in Sept. EEKKK. I need to find some shoes I love as well.

    Hopping over from a linky party. Have a good day.

  4. I have a pair of Nike Free running shoes...I...LOVE...THEM! They are amazingly light and flexible, yet very cushy and comfortable to run in. They normally run about $80, but I got them on sale for about $65.

  5. I never realised what a difference that good quality shoes makes until husband made me go into Bass Pro and purchase some. I had been buying the cheap ones from Walmart. They do make ALL the difference! We are hikers and it's nice to have comfy feet during and after our hikes.

    I'll be joining you all next Thursday at Running with Glitter. I'm on a mission!
