
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Are You Still Hanging in There?

It's been awhile and I didn't want any of you to think I had forgotten about good health & fitness - or worse that I had forgotten about you!  How are you doing on your fitness goals?  Have you reached some milestones?  Remember little ones count just as much as the big ones!  I am pleased that at the beginning of September I FINALLY reached my dream weight goal.  It was only 5 pounds less than my target goal (reasonable goals are important), but a year ago it seemed pretty unreachable to me - and it took 3 more months to lose that 5 pounds.  Like I said before, sometimes the going is slow, but persistence always pays off and wins out! 

Are you feeling better and like you can conquer the world?  Do you notice muscles getting tighter and tougher?  Has daily exercise become routine for you now and (dare i say it) do you ever find yourself looking forward to it - or at least the high you feel afterwards (that's usually what I look forward to)?  Have you found workouts that you really enjoy - because that is key?   Are you still keeping up with your "My Fitness Pal" app?  I love that app and it has been extremely helpful to me the past 9 months in helping me visually see how many calories I burn during certain exercises, how many calories are in some of the foods I eat, etc.  I'm addicted to it! 

Please feel free to share with me your successes AND your struggles.  If you need help or have questions, hit me up.  Remember I am here to be your friend and biggest cheerleader too!  If you need additional support along your journey - I AM HERE!  Just leave a comment here for me, email us, or add me as your My Fitness Pal friend (I'm tiffunny) and I'll be the support and motivation you need.
Stick with it!  You can do it and you are stronger than you think you are. 

I'll hopefully start making a regular segment about fitness where I share tips, recipes and exercises.  If you have any other requests, shoot me a comment and I'll try and oblige!

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  1. I forgot I was going to do this... I drake water for a week and then I just stopped. Maybe now I will start anew!!!

  2. you go Hilary! I started simply by drinking more water each day. I've gone off the wagon on that one though and need to do better on my water intake!!!
