
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Faux Canvas Decorations

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We shared this fun project awhile back when we guest posted over at Little Lucy Lu...enjoy!

Today we wanted to share a do it yourself craft that 2 of us attempted recently.  You will learn quickly from our blog that we are not perfect, but we have fun trying new things and seeing what we can come up with!
So we saw this cool idea to cover foam boards with scrapbook paper and mod podge it to make it look like a canvas decoration.  We went and bought some foam board and got it home and we looked at each other like "what now!" we busted out the exacto knife and went to town.  Needless to say that whole experience was less than satisfying.  They weren't straight and were a PAIN to cut out and then when we were done and hung them up they looked CHEAP and GHETTO!  =)

Here are mine that I hung in my daughters room

And this is what Tenille did for her master bedroom

Well we were NOT satisfied with this project. 
So we brainstormed for a better option.
We needed the foam board to be thicker so it looked more like canvas.

We started out by buying a big piece of foam board from Michael's...using our 40% off coupon of course!  It was $6 originally so we picked it up for under $4.  It was a 20x30x1/2" piece.
I then had my husband cut them into 10x10 pieces using his saw.
SOOOO much easier this way than trying to use an exacto knife (which is what we tried last time!).  So we ended up with 12 pieces...6 for each of us!

Then I found some scrapbook paper paper I like (12x12) and some mod podge and I got to work.

I just folded the paper along the edges and then mod podged it to hold it together.

Here's a closer look at the folded edges before I glued them down with mod podge...

I didn't put a layer of mod podge over the top, but you definitely could if you wanted to give it that matte look.

It's hard to tell from a picture but this foam board adds so much more dimension to this wall project versus the first one.  1/2" is all this one is.  So, there you have it.
And the possibilities are endless with accessorizing these.  You can add pictures, embellishments, etc.

*Oh, and I hang mine up with 3M hanging them!!



  1. Well done! I've been looking at the 1" to 2" thick sheets of foam insulation at Lowe's for making chunky oversize letters. That would work with your fun project, too. Very clever!

  2. A lovely simple but beatiful project! They look great!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success
