
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Make It Personal!

One thing that almost anyone likes is making something their own. People love personalizing their things. That's one reason why places like Pottery Barn can charge so much for simple things! Here is a way I personalized something I already had with things I already had on hand in just 15 seconds!

Since I did just get married, I love finding ways to use our initials in our home. It's still fun for me. Some of you may be over it, but I feel like I never will be. I started with this adorable sign my mom gave me from Deseret Book. (Isn't that just a great piece of advice?)

I used this paint that I bought way back in February that magically perfectly matched, and I painted with a skewer that I had on hand from another project.  Yes, I painted with a skewer. Like I said, I only used what I already had, and I only had large foam brushes. Don't be afraid of acrylic paint! It is very forgiving and will come up with water if you aren't happy!

Isn't it such a cute touch? It looks like I painted the heart on, but remember, it came with the heart! I did it on a complete whim, and I am so happy I did! What do you think?

There are so many different mediums you can use to add personal touches like this: paint, stitching, vinyl.  What are ways you personalize your things?

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my that is darling! Would love it if you would link this post up at my turquoise lovin' party going on right now!!
