
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Per Your Request...a Video!!

Sorry, sometimes things are just too complicated to explain through words and still pictures!
We have had a few requests for a video, showing how exactly to fold the fitted sheet!
Hopefully this video demonstration will help clear things up.  It really isn't too complicated once you get the hang of it!!  Good luck with getting those nice folded sheet sets!



  1. THANK YOU!!! I'm not ashamed to admit I'm actually looking forward to some time in my linen closet this weekend ... I can't wait to get the 'sheet' shelf organized (currently in a state of rumpled, wadded, stuffed in rolls of fabric.)
    I know - it must be some kind of illness...
    But seriously - thank you!!!

  2. Ooooh! I shall no longer ball up my fitted sheets in frustration! I thank you, my sheets thank you and the linen closet thanks you!
