
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rice is Twice as Nice

So, you've met all the sisters and even the 'new' sister-in-law of this wonderful bunch--well, HI, I'm Marcy, the 'old' sister-in-law!  I don't particularly like the way that sounds but it is what it is!!  I have been a part of this wonderful family for 11 years now (thus, where the 'old'  comes into play).  I married the WONDERFUL, HANDSOME, SWEET middle brother of the family!  Here we are on our wedding day--
Best decision I ever made...Anyway though, onto the real reason for the post--I used to teach school before having kiddos.  I LOVED it-you could call it a passion of mine!  Even though I left the classroom, I do not feel that my teaching days are over.  A while back I planned some fun time for me to spend with my middle son (he's 5).  We dyed rice together--I know, it sounds weird but we had a great time doing it and there is so many possibilities with the dyed rice as well; but we'll get to that later, first things first--Here is what you'll need--
*Food coloring
*Uncooked white rice
*Old newspapers
*Cookie sheet

1.  Pour 2 tablespoons vinegar into a clean, empty jar.  Add about a pea-size (or 3-4 drops if using liquid coloring) amount of food coloring to the vinegar.  For more vibrant colors just add more.  Then stir until fully diluted in the vinegar.

2.  Pour 3/4 C of uncooked white rice into the jar containing the colored vinegar.  Seal the lid as tightly as possible.  (Remember that this food coloring will stain so be careful with it.)
3.  Shake the jar vigorously until all the rice appears to be dyed evenly.  (This is a fun part for the kids to help with.)  Place the jar on a flat surface and allow it to sit undisturbed for about five minutes.
4.  Place your newspapers on the cookie sheet and spread the contents of the jar in a single layer evenly on the newspapers.  Place cookie sheet in a dry, sunny location (easily done here in Vegas-I put mine out on the trampoline) for at least 30 minutes or until no moisture remains. 

**Try as many different colors as your little heart desires.
Now, you are probably wondering, "great, fun project to do with my kid but what am I going to do with a ton of colored rice??"  Good question.  From a mom standpoint I would tell you that it makes for fun crafts with the kiddos and is much easier to clean up than glitter.  From a teacher standpoint I would tell you that it makes a great tactile bin for little ones and helps with their dexterity and could also aid in learning their colors.  And from a wife standpoint I would tell you that this rice makes for great decoration ideas.  Check out what I did for September 11th this year-
And just think of the possibilities with this, black and white for Halloween.  Pink, red, and white for Valentine's Day.  Pastels for Easter...the options are endless. 

I also wanted to show a few of the art projects that we made with the rice--
My kids and I had a great time with this new medium and I bet you and your kiddos will love it as well.  Rice isn't just for eating anymore; take some time to make rice twice as nice at your place.  Be creative and show us what fun things you can do with dyed rice!!

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  1. Fantastic idea! I'm going to share this with everyone, well everyone who will listen to me...Topher

  2. I love this idea. I have been wanting to make colored rice for my little one to play with for a while now... I'll have to give it a try.

  3. we did this in highschool art class I think this winter may try my hand at it again come see me at

  4. What a brilliant idea! I love all the possibilities you've shown us as to what you can do with it!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. The rice pictures look AMAZING! What a fun idea! And thank you for letting me know how to color the rice - LOVE it! Thanks for linking up at TGIF Linky Party. Could you do me a favor & grab a TGIF button or put a link back in your post so others can find the party & link up too - thanks! I can't wait to see what else you come up with!!

  6. Gonna try this! Looks awesome - thanks!
