
Monday, November 14, 2011

Reusing old decor

One of our very first posts on this blog was a tutorial on how to make a book wreath.  It is such a simple craft to do that looks amazing when finished.  In my old house I hung it on my front door (on the inside...Utah's weather is too unpredicatable for me).  Shortly after making it I moved and started building our new home.  After living in our home for a little over a month now, I had still yet to find a place for my book wreath.  Since I don't want to hang it on the front door outside (it would look amazing on my front door though since it is a deep gray) and I can't hang it on the front door on the inside since my door is white on the inside and it would just blend in with the door. 

Not wanting to have this beautiful wreath just sit and collect dust downstairs, I decided on a different alternative.  Actually I can't take full credit.  My mother in law suggested I might try putting it on my dining room table.  She suggested tall candles, which I didn't have.  So after having it sit on my table for weeks I finally come up with a solution. 

I had some homemade apothecary jars laying around that I filled with different beans/chiles found at Walmart.  I place them inside the center of the book wreath and WAH LA. 

I am glad that I was able to use this book wreath.  I think too often we are so quick to yard sale/D.I. stuff when we get sick of them or don't have a place for them.  But most times if we just think outside the box (or look on pinterest;) we can find a new use for the items.  And the great thing about this project was that I didn't have to do any painting/priming/sanding/etc.  I just took what I had and used it in a new location. 

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  1. Would luv for my readers to discover your blog, will you please join our weekly party at
    have a great crafting week!

  2. Great thinking! I love it, and have wondered how to make one for me for a long time....I am off now to check out your tutorial on how to do it! YAH! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I LOVE book wreaths. Cute idea to use it on your table. I think it's smart to re use what you've got, and this looks so neat.

  4. Great idea for old wreaths. I need to make a book page wreath this winter...

    If you have a moment, please share this at my Creative Juice Party. Hope to see you there!

  5. Great idea for old wreaths. I need to make a book page wreath this winter...

    If you have a moment, please share this at my Creative Juice Party. Hope to see you there!

  6. I love book page wreaths! I recently made one too. This is a great idea for reusing any kind of wreath though, looks great!

  7. Hi!! You and your amazing work are featured today at InspiredHoneyBee at blogspot ... thanks for linking up!! xoxo Debbie

  8. What a great new purpose for your wreath!
    Thanks for linking up to Show & Share!
