
Sunday, May 6, 2012

How to Curl Your Hair

Okay so we all remember this post where Liesl taught me how to properly curl my hair to get soft sexy waves.
Well, we can learn a couple things from that...
1-I have no shame...clearly I let her mock me by posting the pics of me "trying" to curl my hair with a straightener and I can laugh at myself!
2-I see something I like with hair and I experiment until I like it!

So one day on tv I saw a girl curling her hair by rolling it around the curling iron instead of actually opening it up around her hair (sounds confusing but stay with me).
So I experimented and decided I LOVE how easy it is and I like the style of the curl.
So here is my disclaimer:
I like this style...others might find it isn't for them.
My neighbor experimented with it and found that with her thick hair it took WAY too long.
For me, with my medium thickness hair it is quick!
Also, remember, I have no some pics may not be that flattering but since I love you all I am posting them anyway so you can see for yourself how to do this and experiment on your own!  Take it or leave it!!  =)

Here is what I am starting with...

Separate half your hair and clip it out of the way

Here is about how much hair I use at a time (sometimes I use more though because I am in a hurry.)

Trying to show a curl right after I finished it

So here I am wrapping the hair AROUND the curling iron, instead of inside the curling iron.
I leave about an inch or so of hair at the end that doesn't get's a personal preference but I think the straighter ends make it looks more relaxed and casual.
I usually hold my hair on the curling iron for anywhere from 10-30 seconds, depending on how tight I want the curl (or depending on how thick a piece of hair I grabbed).

Here are some of my curls

Back view...see I have no shame...just posing it up in my bathroom, having my 5 year old snap pics of me!  =)

And my last cheesy pic...a kinda frontal view.  
When you are done, run your fingers through your curls, spray a bit of styling spray and you are good to go!

*This post was brought to you by a totally unprofessional girl who just likes to mess around with her hair and experiment with styles.  Liesl, our professional will be out for awhile since she is having a baby VERY soon!



  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

    Mrs. Delightful

  2. Ok i am going to have to try this. Looks amazing. Do u curl the same way for both sides of your hair

  3. i'll have to see if it's worth it for my thick hair or not since i never could master the soft, sexy curls on that one side! ;) Love all the posing pics! And I love how this looks on you. You look great every time i see you.

  4. Tenille...I do curl the same way for both sides...silly old me can't figure out how to do the opposite on my opposite side!! =) My arm gets all tangled up!

  5. How cute!! I have never tried that before! I would LOVE to have you share this at my link part and even enter my giveaway! I am your newest GFC follower...would love to have you check out my place too!!

  6. Cute! And your five year old does a pretty good job at taking a picture. :-)


  7. Looks cute! My hair is too heavy to hold a style like this without lots of gel. I do mine old-school 70s style and have my curls "point" the other way. Its fun. I did try your wrap way once but I only ended up burning my fingers :(

  8. Looks beautiful!! Thanks for linking up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We loved having you and hope to see you back next week! -The Sisters

  9. Looks perfect - I have got to figure out how to do this to my own hair!

  10. Girl, I do this almost every day and mine looks like a hot mess...but I love it! You can probably see my crazy hair in my little Blogger picture. I broke down and bought a curling wand a few weeks ago and it works much better. Love how yours turns out!

  11. Aw man, good post, my hair is really thick, wavy and annoying. So everytime I attempt to do this it takes FOREVER. I might have to invest in the curling wand!
