
Monday, February 11, 2013

I Love Avocados

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Avocados from Mexico for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

I don't know when I discovered my love for avocados because I didn't grow up eating them.  But at some point in my adult life, as I have ventured to try new things...I realized that I LOVE LOVE LOVE avocados!!  On a sandwich, in a salad, and definitely in guacamole.  Remember when we shared our recipe here...try it out, it is delish!!

Facebook has an app where you can share in your love for avocados by downloading free ringtones, send virtual gifts to your friends and so on.  Notice our fun new button on the right hand side of our blog?  =)Share the Avocado Love Facebook app  Kind of fun huh!

I was even lucky enough to receive something out of the Avocados from Mexico Cafe Press store.  Where you can find all things avocado!!  Plus many many more fun gift ideas!  I ordered this and thought it would be fun to tote around! 

I mean come on, I know I'm not the only one who has a thing for avocados!!  I might as well walk with pride!  =)  They have all sorts of gift ideas...mugs, tshirts, aprons...all unique and quite fun!

Check it out and let me know what you think!  Avocados from Mexico

And please share any fun recipe ideas you have using avocados!!


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