Seriously today is one of those days that I should just get my trophy for being the dumbest person. I am pretty sure I am probably one of maybe just a handful of people world wide who has done this. What, you may be thinking, has she done that would merit a trophy for stupidity? The answer my friends is washing a diaper in your washing machine. Not ONCE but TWICE and within minutes of each other. Now after you have stopped laughing you are probably asking yourself HOW and WHY did this happen? It really was a perfect storm of events. It goes something like this....
Everyday I try to do at least 1 load of laundry that way I am not doing 5-7 loads all on one day. Splitting it up makes it much more manageable for me. Today's laundry assignment was the boys clothes. I realized about 2 minutes before it was time to leave and pick my oldest up from Preschool that I needed to get that batch started or I wouldn't get around to it that day, thus making me do multiple loads tomorrow. I quickly get the water going, rush and get my other two kids in the car, run back inside and literally take their laundry basket and just dump it into the washer. That's right folks...NO sorting of colors, NO checking pockets for fun little trinkets. I just DUMPED. Quick sidenote: The SHOUT color catchers has to be one of THE greatest inventions ever. When I am feeling lazy it is great to be able to just throw all the laundry in one load and not worry about sorting. GASP. Yes I totally just admitted that I sometimes don't separate my darks from my lights or whites. So sue me. My clothes are just fine (at least I think they are...). Back to me dumping my boys clothes into the washer. I dumped and ran literally. I went and got my boy from school, came home and got the baby fed and the boys ate their lunch. I then shuttled them all to their rooms to take their afternoon naps. After laying them all down I realized that I should move the load from the washer to the dryer. I open the washer and grab the first article of clothing and this is what I see....
I can't quite tell what this mysterious white stuff is all over this black hoodie. I naturally think that one of the boys must of left a kleenex in his pocket and that it got all over this hoodie. But as I look closer I notice that the white stuff is actually a million tiny gel-like beads. It then hits me what I have just done. I have just washed a diaper in with my boys clothes. My 3 year old still wears diapers at night (don't judge me...we are working on eliminating diapers at nighttime all together here soon). Anyways when he got dressed today he must of taken his PJ bottoms off with his diaper and then thrown both into the laundry basket. And since I didn't sort the clothes out that meant that diaper got a good little cleaning of its own (thankfully he had woken up dry this morning). Anyways as I am sifting through the washer I realize everything is covered in this gel-like stuff. I take about half the load out and rewash the first half (I don't think you can google 'how to get diaper remnants out of your washer':). When the first half gets done washing I open the lid and begin taking the clothes out. And guess what I find....That is right folks I find yet another diaper. Apparently my 3 year old put not ONE but TWO diapers in the laundry basket. Seriously could this get any worse? Thankfully most of the gel beads had come out in the first wash so the second wash was clean and gel bead proof. Anyways here are few more pictures of the devastation a diaper can do in a washer. Please note that the pictures do it ZERO justice.
The culprit...Of course when I took this picture I thought this was the only one. Little did I know that there was another one lurking beneath the clothes.
What dumb mom mistakes have you made??