
Friday, March 9, 2012

Got Books?

Time for some book reviews.  To save time and space, I’m linking each title back to my other blog so that if one intrigues you and you want more detail, you can check it out there.  I love reading, and these have been some of my favorites in my long list of good reads.

First I’ll start with an oldie, but goodie:  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shafer and Annie Barrows.  Probably you’ve already read it, but if you haven’t, it’s a delightful read (Sorry, I’m sounding old-ladyish using words like delightful...but it really is.  Excuse me while I put on my BenGay )  There, all better.  I smell ‘delightful’ now—NOT!  But really, I can’t say enough about this book!  It’s a keeper.

Next we have Sotah by Naomi Ragen.  This book is set in modern day Meah Sherim in Jerusalem where an ultra-ultra orthodox sect of Jews live.  This story delves into the life of one girl and her inner desires and struggles.  I almost gave up on this book in the middle.  I got angry with the choices she was making—but do not fear—plow through to the end and finish it.  You won’t regret it.  This is one of my all-time favorites now.  It will surprise you.

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is a top seller for good reason.  This is a nonfiction book about the life of Louis Zamperini.  It’s A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  I can’t stop thinking about it.   Hillenbrand’s writing is incredible.  Usually nonfiction puts me to sleep—but this one is a page-turner.  It’s a very well done book about a well-lived life.
Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Diebler Rose is in the same time period as Unbroken (WWII), but from a woman’s perspective as a POW to the Japanese.  Her experiences and miracles will buoy you up and make you so grateful to God for all He does in our lives.  The evidence of His love is all around us—but like her title says, it's usually unseen.

The Bells by Richard Harvell was a hauntingly tragic love story set in 17th Century Europe.  After I finished it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days.  That, to me, is the magic of a well-written story with strong characters you fall in love with and become one with in their afflictions.
My last book I’ll praise is Rhett Butler’s People by Donald McCaig.  This is the story that finishes Gone with the Wind...but it isn’t Gone with the Wind (Just to clarify, in case you’re confused).  This story delves into Rhett’s life from a boy on, and all the people who shape him.  He’s my favorite character in Gone with the Wind, so I ate this story up (burp!).  It crosses timelines with Gone with the Wind, but is its own fascinating story.  I highly recommend it.

That’s all I have today.  Hope you get some good ideas from these.  Feel free to share any books you LOVE in the comment section.  Last time I posted on books, I got the recommendation to read Evidence Not Seen, and loved it.  I’m always looking for new books to read.  Happy Reading!    



  1. I loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Fabulous. I'm also a fan of GWTW, so I think I ought to check out Rhett Butler's People. Thanks for the reviews.

  2. I LOVED The Guernsey Leterary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society... I was a little unsure at first but it was fantastic! This was a great post because my friend and I just finished the Hunger Games and we wanted to read another book at the same time so we could talk about it! I will introduce her to this blog and we shall pick one of these books and begin! :) Thanks so much!

  3. I am just starting Unbroken and am already very into it, especially after hearing your synopsis of it on our sisters trip!

  4. there were quite a few of these that intrigued me so I'll have to add them to my list. seriously how do you read so much though? You are amazing!
