
Sunday, June 3, 2012

1st Bloggerversary...

 Our little {Junk in their Trunk} is officially 1 years old. 

It's crazy to think that 1 year ago we were a brand new blog with probably 20 followers (all of which included us and maybe a few other family members:). 

We remember being so giddy when we reached our first 100 followers and LIKES on facebook. 

We remember the first time our little blog got featured.  I can still remember Heidi calling me to tell me that we had been featured on Tater Tots and Jello.  We couldn't stop smiling all day. 

We remember all the amazing comments that you are readers have left us.  We love reading them. 

We remember our first linky party and being scared that no one was going to link up. 

We remember our simple post on using foil instead of dryer sheets and watching in amazement as it went crazy on pinterest.  In fact as to date that simple post has had almost 100,000 views.  CRAZY:)

Its been an amazing year.  We couldn't have done it without you guys.  Every success and milestone we have achieved has been because of our amazing readers.  We owe everything to you guys. 

Because you guys have been so amazing we thought we would CELEBRATE our BLOGGERVERSARY with a week of fun giveaways.  

To start out our week of giveaways we are first giving away a set of 12 PEWTER DAISY CUT MASON JAR LIDS. 

These lids are so fun and just scream SUMMER to me.  I gathered a few pictures I found on Pinterest that showcase the cute lids.  They would be a great addition to any party, BBQ or just social gathering you might have planned this summer.  Add a cute striped straw and you just took your party up a notch. 

To enter to win these cute mason jar lids (mason jars not included) do any or all of the following.  Be sure to leave a comment for each thing you do. 

---Like us on facebook

---Follow us on google reader

---Tell your friends about our giveaway either through facebook, twitter, email, text, etc...

Thanks again for being so supportive of our little ol blog.  And be sure to come back each day this week to see our other fun and amazing giveaways. 



  1. Happy 1st Year! I have been a google follower for a while these! I would love to win this!
    Sue Welsh

  2. Happy 1st Anniversary of your Blog! I love all your ideas and even did the tin foil dryer sheet idea. I cannot believe it's been a year! The daisy lids are adorable! Keep up the good work ladies!

  3. I already like you on Facebook, but I shared about the giveaway on there!

  4. I have been a google follower for a while and I love your blog! I am going to like you on FaceBook right now! I would love to win the daisy lids. Daisies are my favorite!

  5. Happy anniversary! What a fun giveaway ;)

  6. I subscribe to google reader

  7. Happy Bloggerversary!! I liked you on Facebook! :)

    Thanks for all the cool things you post! The lego table idea is a great idea!! :)

  8. Happy Bloggerversary! I liked you on Facebook.

  9. I follow you on Goggle Reader and love your blog! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I would love to win these cute lids!

  10. am a friend on fb! how i saw about your fantastic giveaway--love those lids! thanks for the opportunity and have a great day

  11. Great job on your blog! I'm a Facebook fan and will post about your giveaway too!!

  12. Congrats from your old fashioned Aunt Vonda, who's not on Facebook. Love you all!

  13. How fun! I love your blog! I follow with google reader.

  14. I tweeted about this. I tried to pinn you on pinterest but it would not work

  15. I subscribed to google reader

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I follow you on google reader!

  18. Congratulations! I can't believe you guys have only been around for a year, I thought it was much longer. You guys are so great, I really enjoy reading your posts.

    I follow you on google reader.

  19. Congrats on 1 year!!!! I follow you on FB and GFC

  20. Love the blog, just followed on GR! Thanks!

  21. following and liked u on facebook

  22. I follow you girls of FB...and have been drooling over these lids for a couple years now!!!!

  23. Wow look at ask those comments. I like ya`ll on Facebook..

  24. These are SO CUTE!! I follow you on FB!

  25. I subscribe through google reader!

  26. I have been following you for a while on google reader. love it

  27. Congratulations! I follow you on google reader.
