I, for one, would enjoy the Christmas season a whole awful lot more if I would just learn to jettison that list a whole lot earlier than I do. So what if I can't deliver a plate of twenty different home-baked cookie varieties to all 127 families in my neighborhood. They'll survive - and their waistlines will thank me. And so I forgot to get something for half a dozen friends of friends and teachers of my children from a decade and a half ago. They're too busy to notice and my pocketbook will thank me. At some point, when the list gets in the way of appreciating the wonder of the season, it's time to toss the list. The word "jettison" derives from Old English and denotes the throwing of goods overboard to lighten a ship in distress. This word made me think of something I heard from Dieter Uchtdorf who said that an acceptable sacrifice is when we give up something good for something of far greater worth. The things on the list are all good but it will be of far greater worth to you and anyone who has to live under the same roof with you, if you give up some of those "good" things on the list for something better - time to reflect on the real meaning of the season. My mom just told me a poignant story she heard of a harried lady shopping with her son in a mall a few days before Christmas. Frustrated by the crowds and the hassle of it all she exclaimed, "Whoever came up with this stupid holiday should be strung up and shot." Her son quietly replied, "Well, mom, I think they crucified Him instead." It's now the 23rd of December and if someone asks you if you're ready for Christmas and all you can think to retort back is "Yeah, ready for it to be over", then it's time to jettison the list. Kick back, have some cocoa, with any luck watch some snow quietly falling out your window, drink in the fragrance of your dying Christmas tree, and just let the season and the Man behind it all wrap you in peace for a day and a half. Merry Christmas!
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Yes yes, I needed to hear this! This year I really tried to cut back...I didn't take home baked goods to the neighbors. I figured any baking that I did would be with my kids, having fun and not worrying about their grubby hands getting in the mix. Giving up something good for something better...wonderful words to live by!
Very well said! You took the words right out of my mouth because this is EXACTLY how I've been feeling this past week. That I just wanted this week to be over because then my list would be done and I could get back to "reality". I try to keep the true meaning of Christmas in my home, but more often than not this week I have found myself overwhelmed with the list of things to do. Thank you so much! I truly needed this!
So true, I've been really stressed this week and just needed to be reminded to slow down and think of what Christmas is truly about.
My thoughts exactly (except better worded without any 'ums' and 'likes'). I think its okay to make a list--but have fun with it and enjoy the things you accomplish on it...and just let go of the things you don't.
I so need to do this next year because i totally didn't spend as much time as I should have contemplating and enjoying the REAL reason for the season and it makes a HUGE difference when you do!
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