Well, it's a new year and I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one get the itching to get ORGANIZED and more ON TOP OF THINGS!
We recently put together a family command center of sorts.
It isn't anything fancy, just a sheet of metal, white board and some wood framing.
But it is right where everyone passes and can see often.
I wanted to get my kids back on track with daily schedules, chores, goals, etc.
So I mod podged some mini clipboards and made them each up a weekly chart.

Here is our center. Each kid has a chart, except the 1 year old...I figure she gets a break from chores for just a wee bit longer! =)
So as you can see, I have their name and then a list of their required morning and afternoon "chores", aka: things they need to get done in the morning before school and things they need to get done before they retire for the night.
My boys are in 4th and 2nd grade so their charts are different than my girls, who are 5 and 3.
*A funny sidenote...my kids thought it was HILARIOUS that I put "pick up room"...I guess I should have written tidy up room so they wouldn't think they needed to literally pick up their entire room in their arms! =)
Their assigned weekly chore changes every week. Each day they are responsible for making sure it looks acceptable...quick clean, straighten, wipe down, etc. Then one time that week, whether it is Saturday or a different day, they need to thoroughly clean that room...deep clean and make it look sparkling clean! (Thanks Andrea for the suggestion of having it be ANY day of the week not just Saturday)
Their dinner chore stays the same all week. At dinner time I need the extra help and now they each know what they are required to do to help out and having it stay the same all week will be easier I think.
Lastly, I sat my kids down at Family Home Evening this week and introduced the charts and explained each little part of it. I answered any questions, gave examples, and clearly stated their responsibilities so we were all on the same page!
So far this has helped me when my kids ask if they can watch Phineas and Ferb at 8am on a school morning...I quickly answer back, "Have you completed everything on your morning checklist?"
What ideas do you have for staying on top of things as far as schedules and chores?

Ah, you are so organized! I loved that metal chart by the way. It looks super good in your house. My idea works for older children...get out the whip...jk. They think that's just funny (taunting teens that they are).
I too feel the "organizing itch" come January. I'm ready to make some changes around this place too!
I still laugh at that time we were babysitting that random family and the 1 or 2 year old had to clean the bathrooms on their chore chart;) So I'm glad you left little Preslie out
I knew you would remember that Liesl!! Hehe...she was under the age of 3 I do know that! Crazy!! How clean could a 2 year old actually get a bathroom?? What's the point! I mean, bringing some napkins to the table is work enough for Miss Ry!! =)
I'm always looking for ideas to keep my 3 kids(14,6,4) more organized. I love the idea of having each kid have a different room for the week. And the dinner chore is a great idea too. Thanks!!
~ Sarah @ www.sarahstruss.blogspot.com
Cute! I have been thinking about doing a similar project for my kids. It is great to see someone already do it. Thanks for sharing!
I put a link to your blog with this post on my blog tonight.
Okay, this is SO smart! I love that you have a clipboard for each child with all of their info. A great way to keep organized! Thanks for sharing at Oopsey Daisy!
This is SUPER cute! and so helpful! Love it! Thanks for sharing with us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We'll see you next week! -The Sisters
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